<p><br/><br/>1、don't flip flop (别翻来倒去,朝三暮四)<br/><br/>2、don't get sidetracked (别走岔路)<br/><br/>3、don't sway back and forth (别反复)<br/><br/>4、no dithering(不踌躇)<br/><br/>5、no major changes (没有重大变化)<br/><br/>6、avoid futile actions (不做无用工)<br/><br/>7、stop making trouble and wasting time<br/><br/>8、no self-consuming political movements (不搞自我消耗的政治运动)<br/><br/>她认为,上述译法,觉得都不够准确,不够精彩,没有把“折腾”的全部意思表达出来。这里推荐一个译法,感觉比较恰当:<br/><br/>avoid self-inflicted setbacks (不折腾)<br/><br/>原因是:<br/><br/>“self-inflicted”has the connotation of creating the unnecessary pain for one self.<br/><br/>折腾in Hu’s speech has a strong connotation that such kind of setback is self-seeking instead of being due to the interference from outside.<br/><br/>“Setback”is a much better word than“trouble”,which an unseasoned translator would like to use in the first instance.“Setback”especially refers to the obstacle or difficulty encountered in achieving a strategic goal. (本文来源:中新网 ) <br/></p> |